Wednesday, April 28, 2010

90 on Poc

Could not be more happier with the grade we got on PoC sure it's not a 100 but hell a 90 is a great grade. at least we did not get a low grade because that would of disappointed the entire team and most likely our work flow and habits would of gone down with a awful grade.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Poc turned, play tested by GP staff with no crashes. Awesome work, no if we could only get the stuff that is corrupting memory to quit doing that and we should be golden..... god knows how long that will take him.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Oh Snap

Team work has greatly improved, we are all doing amazing work now as a TEAM which feels great. We were very behind at 9am thursday it is now 12:38am on a friday... we have worked all day and its starting to look like we will meet PoC with at least an hour to spare

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Awful day

Personal attacks were to be had by kevin and I, we had a sit down where dave apologized to us but it felt empty when he did not even look us in the eye. It's one thing to blame what happened because of stress but when you know thats just who you are and you just blame it on stress just so you don't get in trouble is a completely different thing. So now he gets away with happened just so it will happen again because dave is an angry person and not a great team player. It's pretty obvious if you tell him to do one simple like thing shower and not smell as bad for about a month straight so we can work with him and he has yet to correct thing. I find it hard for him to change who he is a person.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Time to blog on here
cant think anything to write
so this is what gots

but really game is going great should be able to make poc turn in monday which will be a great feeling.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Got a tech doc sit down today. things did not go very well a lot of issues that need to be fixed and quickly hopefully this does not get in the way of us working on our poc and the quality of our poc does not suffer because now we must fix this doc.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Coding Finally

Finally turned in our tech doc and now we get to start coding. Today I started working on the combat system which is going really well. So far no problems and if this keeps up I should be ahead of schedule and be able to polish up the combat and make it the best I can before I have to turn it in, by then end of poc I should have 2D sounds and some combat system integrated.